Much More Than English: Teaching Compassion and Ecology

Since childhood, Vedrana has always had a knack for languages and learned English as a child and in University. “Learning about languages was always a special thrill for me. It is like obtaining a new life!”

Her plant-based lifestyle fits in perfectly with Helen Doron’s commitment to protecting animals and the environment.  “When I applied for a job to teach at Helen Doron, I did not think much about how my vegan lifestyle could mesh with my work. You can imagine how thrilled I was when I realized that the witch from Hansel and Gretel starts growing her own vegetables, or when the big bad wolf becomes a vegetarian. The method always teaches children about compassion, sustainability and ecology and tries to help the children come to their own conclusions. Before working as a teacher, I was working as an animal rights activist and by teaching children at the Helen Doron centre, I don’t need to abandon the humanitarian activist in me. I feel like I am giving them the seed of peaceable living, which they have to nourish, until they grow their own gardens of understanding, acceptance and tenderness towards animals and our planet.”

Vedrana is delighted with the effectiveness of the methodology and teaches all courses from very young children through teens “The little ones and their parents are a delight to work with, some of them cannot even speak Croatian yet, but they can actually make full sentences in English. With the teen groups, I can have genuine debates and intellectual conversation; they surprise me with their depth.

Our classes are all fun. We use a ball to talk about our day, sing many songs, use many kinesthetic activities and enjoy being barefoot. We value positive reinforcement and do not force kids to do something that might cause them to feel discomfort. We encourage them, listen to them and cater to their needs as individuals, helping them develop into the best and most confident versions of themselves.”

Please watch Choice from the Helen Doron English Teen Talent programme, encouraging us to always make humane choices.

Find out how to become a Helen Doron English Teacher!

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