The global franchise’s English students consistently earn top scores on University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations.

Young English students are benefitting from the recent collaboration between Cambridge University’s English ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) programme and Helen Doron English, whose exclusive English learning programmes have a track record of close to 30 years of international success. As anticipated, in the 6 months that the partnership has been in place, Helen Doron English students in several locations have already taken the exams and due to the methodology’s efficacy, have done exceedingly well.
Students in the following areas took the Cambridge Young Learners Exam. The exam is administered in 3 sections: Reading & Writing, Listening, and Speaking. On each section, a student can achieve up to 5 shields, for a total of fifteen shields on the entire test. All Helen Doron teachers reported that none of the children found the test difficult or overwhelming.
According to Stefania Filip, Master Franchisor for Southeast Romania, “Cambridge exams and other internationally recognized tests of language evaluation are the best way to show results measured by an independent entity.”
Moni Manyi, the Europark Learning Centre franchisee in Budapest, Hungary tells us they sent 26 students to the Young Learners Exam (YLE). 25 of the students achieved 12 shields or better (out of 15) for the whole exam. On the Speaking section, all 26 students achieved 4 or 5 shields. On the Listening section, 24 students achieved 4 or 5 shields.
Judit Kelemen, a Helen Doron teacher from Ms. Manyi’s centre added, “As I’ve been teaching as a Helen Doron teacher for 6 years, I have lots of children who have been learning English using this methodology for 4-5 years. Thanks to the Helen Doron method, the speaking part (of the exam) was the easiest. The kids were laughing and chatting and came out smiling. All of them said it was very easy. I think this exam was a great opportunity to see how much they know and for the parents as well, because they got a lot of positive feedback about their children’s knowledge.”
Selected Helen Doron learning centres are already authorized by the University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations to provide preparation lessons and/or examination services, with many more in the process who will be offering these services in the near future. Students preparing for exams at Helen Doron Learning Centres authorized for Cambridge exam preparation can take their exams at the approved Helen Doron Learning Centre or Cambridge ESOL Testing Centre nearest them.
Some of the results were as follows:
In the Czech Republic, students who took the Cambridge exams achieved excellent results. The average grade was 4.75 out of 5.
Germany has been sending students to the Cambridge exams for the past five years. This year 58 children, ages 10 – 13, took the exam.
All of the Helen Doron students achieved four or more shields (maximum five shields) on each part of the exam.
In Romania, 18 Helen Doron students, ranging in age from 9 to 14 years old, sat for the Young Learners Exam. 5 children achieved 15 shields, 4 children achieved 14 shields, 3 children achieved 13 shields and 4 children achieved 12 shields.
In Valencia, Spain, 2 students were tested: an 8 yr. old student who scored 11 out of 15 and a 10 yr. old who scored 15 out of 15. From the Catalonia area, 10 students who have been studying with Helen Doron English took the exams and also achieved exceptional scores.