Students tell us why they need Helen Doron Teen English

HDTE_YT_A5Landscape_Nov2013_a-01With more and more teens signing up for Helen Doron Teen English, even though they are studying English in school, it is interesting to know why these young people find it necessary to add to their already busy schedules by attending after-school English classes. This is what a few of them told us:

“To pass the higher level exams to get into medical school and then understand the medical textbooks,” Ayal, an inspiring doctor from Israel, told us. “Classes here are fun, and at the same time I am learning to communicate on a much higher level than I get in school.”

Anan, a student in the same Teen Choices class eagerly related his own plans, “I want to open an international business and I can’t do it without really great English.”

“I only watch YouTube in English and everything I do online is in English. When we go abroad on holidays, I can speak to everyone I meet, so I can make lots of new friends that speak English,” enthused Son Son from Thailand.

Belinda, an inspiring singer from Spain, wants to sing in perfect English, with no accent, and the most popular hits are in English.

Anna from the Ukraine is determined to pass the highest level matriculation exams so she can go on to university.

Teen English courses are designed to keep teens interested and involved. Each course includes an original ongoing drama that threads through the lessons, as well as original pop music that teenagers can relate to. Songs and stories are engaging, entertaining and focus on topics relevant to today’s teenagers. Working with dedicated teachers in small learning groups of up to 8 students, teens receive individualized instruction, learn to express themselves in English, and prepare for matriculation exams. Teen English is compliant with the Common European Framework of Reference for English.

Leah Roth, Teen English Development Coordinator and Teacher added to what the students told us, “Today’s teens will be the leaders of the world in a few short years. Helen Doron Teen English addresses today’s choices that our teens face on a daily basis. With positive reinforcement and visual, audio, and kinaesthetic (VAK) activities, our students have the chance to openly and freely express themselves with total acceptance among their classmates. We encourage our students to ‘speak out!’, which is the opposite of their school classes where they sit, take notes, and write quietly. My classes are lively with discussions, music from Helen Doron Radio and Mind-Mapping while brainstorming and expressing ideas. What better way to build the confidence in today’s teens and tomorrow’s leaders than Helen Doron Teen English programmes?”

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